Some of the enemies are kneeling in prayer so you can kill them without them attacking you first and you can fight more enemies too which all drop souls. You simply have to run between the first two Bonfires that you can find on the High Wall of Lothric and you’ll find many enemies. This is a very easy method both for new players and those who want a simple grind that doesn’t require too much effort – which makes it an all-rounder worthy of this spot. And unlike other places in the game that get less summons now due to the fact that the game is getting older in 2021 – a lot of people are always looking forward to killing the boss so you don’t have to worry about that part. What you can do is to drop your sign and wait for a player to join. Killing the boss will obviously give you a great number of souls, so fighting him multiple times is very helpful. The final boss of Dark Souls 3 might not be what comes to your mind when thinking of finding a soul farming location, but it’s a very interesting one if you think about co-op gameplay. This makes the entire grind loop very efficient. To make things even better, if you get behind him once he’s being summoned and stab him a few times with a heavy weapon, it dies quickly. The knight is infinitely summoned by the Man-Serpent Summoner in the area and you can kill the knight as many times as you like, which of course, increases how much you gain.

But interestingly – that’s just the beginning. If you go to the Archdragon Peak, you can fight a unique Drakeblood Knight that drops 4000 souls once killed.